More of a summary of the week, I guess:
I was able to repair a few things on the (mostly) stock FiST I acquired last week. Known issues included HVAC actuators (duh) and non-functional interior front passenger side latch handle. I also was able to achieve a P0234 code and subsequent loss of power.
Replacement HVAC actuators went in without too much fuss, other than having to retrieve the screw I dropped on the driver footwell actuator.
The seller figured the door latch was broken. I think what actually happened was when he had the door latch recall done, the cable to this door was routed under the the cable to the tweeter speaker, and not over, and this put undue tension on the cable causing it to separate at some point. There was no evidence of broken plastic. With just pulling the handle assembly away from the door panel, I found that I could dislodge the tweeter cable anchor, reroute the door latch cable, and put the cable fastener back in the door, allowing me the slack I needed to refasten the door cable to the latch handle. Hooray!
Then I went digging down toward the turbo to see if I could visually locate a fault. After tugging on a few hoses around the boost solenoid, one of the small hoses fractured at the clamp into the turbo assembly. IIRC, It was the hose into the pressure side of the turbo compressor. I was able to cut off the broken piece of hose and still have enough to reattach what was left. (I gave up maybe 3/4 inch of hose length overall.) Now I can get the car to claw for grip at the top of the rev range in 2nd.