120 miles on the car today, it runs incredibly well, rides great on the BC race version coilovers, handling is amazing, brakes stop on a dime......
55 miles to the city, 800 ft drop, not much incline, speed ranged from 55 to 70 MPH which I drive the speed limit or 5 over most of the time and have dirt cheap insurance with State Farm to protect, I play around here and there but not that often, I keep the 9.9 10ths for the track. Drove around SLC, some traffic, stop and go, stopped for a great Sushi lunch with my sweet wife, groceries, etc.....a few places, then up Parleys Summit to Park City, then the back route on 80 to the 84 to Morgan.
Just under 500 miles on the car now, average MPG was 31.4, not bad for mixed driving, climbing a mountain pass, living at 5200 ft, not tuned fully or broken in....
I have another 500 miles to put on to break it in before tuning so taking it easy.
I am not running it hard but get on it bit here and there but keep the revs down and not full throttle, it had plenty of power in 6th gear, AC on, climbing up the pass, did not even need to down shift to go around a few trucks.
Though I barely drove the car on the stock turbo the modded one, not even tuned, is so much better, a real nice wide powerband which is exactly what I wanted

If this makes the power I want up top and drives like it does now I will be incredibly pleased and can go have fun instead of building parts to fit an EFR and I think that is going to happen, asap!