Just finished the final tweaks on the alignment, now I have very very tight tolerances where I wanted them.
-2.5 camber
Zero toe
Castor increased but my gauge needs a new batter, it will be about 2 degrees more than stock
-1.5 camber
Zero toe
Front to rear tracking angle factory tolerance is +- 0 to .50, mine is less than .08
The car is not slammed, just low enough to really work and looks great as well, so the roll center, roll couple, bump steer, all the really important stuff most do not consider are all great.
TO THE POINT, I got on it a bit, wow, even 70% throttle and shifting at 5k it pulls very very well, not even a hard shift and it chirped the tires in third on sticky cement. It has a very wide torque curve now so will have power where needed far more of the time.
I need to pound on some miles in the next couple of days as will be tuning it and want it ready when I go to MMP on Monday for the Academy, they want to check it out