at 32000 my car makes noises from the passenger side pretty sure its the mount, pretty weird noises involving the trans when shifting and engaging/disengaging the clutch, the gauge cluster sounds like its gonna rattle off at any moment, along with other shit behind the dash, i have the blend door issue, and i have some bfg comp 2 a/s on 16s that make the car ride like a bucket of bolts. the roads where i live make every door creak at the seals and the car constantly feels jarring and rattled, my expecting gf hates it lol can't say i love it either. really want to get some Bilstein B6s, more bracing and upgrade my mounts to see if the driving experience gets better. i currently have the Mountune RMM, TB performance crash bar and the whoosh rear brace behind the seats. i have the power flex inserts along with the upgraded passenger mount bolt in the garage awaiting install, im hoping those will solve some noises.