I was able to put a little over an hour of track time on it at Barber today with the RCM unplugged. It seems I’m able to disable TC by holding down the button per usual. Only thing that’s weird is I experience random fuel cut at high RPMs and I don’t recall having that before. It could be unrelated.. I probably should’ve logged the sessions with my AP. I will get better at collecting data now that I have proper tools but I need to develop the habits. I have A LOT of other responsibilities when I’m at the track so I don’t always think to press record when I hop in the car. I didn’t record an entire session on my Garmin today and it was without a doubt my fastest. Go figure.. I was pushing pretty hard each time I was able to clear traffic trying to get into the 30s but a 42 was the best I could do. The car and I can definitely cut more time but I need practice and the car needs a few setup tweaks for this track.
Things I learned at Barber today:
1) I need more time on that track to learn better throttle modulation so I don’t spin the tires so much. Fresh 235 RT660s (heat cycled once the week before for proper break in) and I was lighting them up due to impatience. They have so much corner grip it’s worth keeping the taller and heavier tire. I probably should’ve dialed a couple of clicks out of the front shocks to soften them up but I was more focused on tuning tire pressures. I’m still getting used to the higher spring rates too. The car is extremely predictable and reacts to inputs better than it ever has since upgrading the spring rates, LCAs and rear bushings but rebound was a little faster than desired today. I need to find the new settings for Barber, which just takes seat/track time. I don’t think the dampers need to be revalved yet..
2) Pretty sure I need to physically lower my aero since I can’t lower the car. It’s not as effective as it could be if I dropped the front splitter and rockers a couple of inches closer to the tarmac. I could run a much more aggressive front aero setup at Barber since I spend most of the time cornering in 3rd or 4th gear. The rear might benefit from one of my smaller wings so I’ll bring them along next time to test. A monster front wing or additional canards would be really helpful.
@Fusion Works I need your help. I’ll reach out privately.
3) Mustang GT350s are fast cars. Heavy but damn. Also, everyone is K Swapping NA and NB Miatas and they’re fast. I’m still not buying a Miata but damn.