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New ATP video


5000 Post Club
Carson City
Garret makes some fine turbos, I have a GT30/76R hanging on the shop wall I would use but simply way to big for a 1.6 engine.

The GT25 is simply to small and will not make enough power for my needs and has less low end torque than I would like to see.

The GTX has an even less low end torque which is quite important for a street driven car, it will be pretty laggy. If ATP was the only choice I would have to choose it but just not what I need either. It will be fine for racing on a road course or drag racing, fine for those on the street that do not mind the lag but not so great for autocross or normal street driving which my car will be used for a great deal and hauling around two big dogs, my wife and I and groceries, site seeing gear, etc....

I would stay with the stock turbo but it would most likely grenade making decent power, maybe sooner than later, just to small as I will be doing many track events, full throttle most of the time, slam the brakes late as possible, back to full throttle...huge stress on an already stressed turbo when tuned...


5000 Post Club
Carson City
I have found the EFR for $1461, not a bad deal at all, have not ordered it yet but may do so tomorrow.

It will not have the low end grunt of the stock turbo but more than the ATP, it seems there is no do it all turbo for this engine but the EFR should be livable and quite fun:)

I am working on my car for my needs, not working on something to sell and will share it with any good vendor that wants to make it available. Since Cob and Mountune are helping me they get first choice but others, PCA, etc, it could work out for them..

The key in modding is to have as many good and even better companies selling the products.


1000 Post Club
I just wanna know if i were to get an atp package, 1. will it come with all the hadware i need? and 2. What do i do for tuning? I live in canada and not in a big city tuners are far and few at best. I do have a cobb ap could they help me?

I would love to do this. But also i need to know all the things i need so i can knock it out over a week end so car works come monday.



5000 Post Club
Carson City
I do not know what all the others offer right now but Randy at Mountune can remote tune as long as you data log and send the info to him and a very reasonable rate. This is the route I will take and I just so of happened to buy the AP from him during the last special he had on it:)

From Braden I was told the ATP turbos come setup where you can run them on a stage 3 tune until you data log and get it fine tuned, called a road tune so you have to have a place you can do it properly.

The ATP turbos do not come with a tune, they did not have them long enough to really dial in everything, later on Cobb may have a OTS tune but not now.

I edited my posts above to be a bit more clear about some aspects.


Senior Member
So ATP offers their own custom tune with the kit?

I do not know what all the others offer right now but Randy at Mountune can remote tune as long as you data log and send the info to him and a very reasonable rate. This is the route I will take and I just so of happened to buy the AP from him during the last special he had on it:)

From Braden I was told the ATP turbos come setup where you can run them on a stage 3 tune until you data log and get it fine tuned, called a road tune so you have to have a place you can do it properly.

The ATP turbos do not come with a tune, they did not have them long enough to really dial in everything, later on Cobb may have a OTS tune but not now.


5000 Post Club
So ATP offers their own custom tune with the kit?
I emailed ATP about this and their reply was NO they do NOT supply a tune just hardware. You are on your own for tuning is the answer I got yesterday from them.


5000 Post Club
Carson City
From my understand after talking to Braden at Cobb, you would run the stage 3 tune with the ATP to datalog and then use that for fine tuning. I would absolutely verify this before taking any chances but pretty sure that is what he said to me, yesterday.

So, it does not come with a tune but mechanically setup, probably conservatively, to allow you to get it running and work on the tune.


5000 Post Club
Carson City
I printed out a graph and drew in the plots for torque, GT25 and GTX.

On paper the GT25 looks to have a far better torque curve, it shows 200ft lbs at 3,000 RPM where the GTX shows just 127ft lbs.

The GT25 shows around 75ft lbs at 2,000 RPM, the GTX graph starts at 2.5k, from the way the curve looks it would have about 0ft lbs at 2k.....which is not likely, it has to have some.

So I figured the GT25 would be far better down low but it does not make a great deal up high, it is maxed out early and then working hard to maintain power up to redline so it would be seriously stressed, make less torque that the stock turbo down low, etc.....and not a great deal more HP for the cost.

The stock turbo makes 150ft lbs at 2k and close to 250ft lbs by 2,300 RPM, why it pulls so hard down low but also why it runs out of steam on the top end and the turbo is being stressed so much.


5000 Post Club
Carson City
The GT line has always been a great turbo, really the best in most if not all ways but sadly not the best for these cars. I really hope they can work out something a bit better.


The BW is better, not perfect either, better enough that I am going to jump in and figure it out and let others know the results.

I have no plans to offer parts, I will help whatever manf wants to do it though so the rest of you guys can get them.

I know the EFR upgrade on the cobalt SS/TC LNF makes that car a 400+whp monster with good street manors so I fully expect you to have great results with it!!!


5000 Post Club
Carson City
Thanks, I just need to sell a couple more items that should sell today then I can order it:)

I really wish this car was a 1.8 now, it would work even better, on a 2.0 in this car, yikes!

I am not going for massive power, I need a good all around power band as the majority of driving is not WOT at high RPM, that is for drag cars and if done right road race cars, for a street car to have no bottom end sucks, especially if you have some respect for others safety as well as you own.

Once you get as many track miles I have, the street is just not a big deal anymore.

Not to say I do not play a little here and there, I would not be honest if I said that, I just do it carefully, discreetly, respectfully and on rare occasion.


1000 Post Club
What would you guys suggest for me as a parts list if my goals are 260 - 270 hp/tq to the ground. And still maintain it as a dd? I just want someone to say "here this is everything you need to make xxx power and maintain a safe ride. Then i click buy and install [:)]

What would you guys suggest for me as a parts list if my goals are 260 - 270 hp/tq to the ground. And still maintain it as a dd? I just want someone to say "here this is everything you need to make xxx power and maintain a safe ride. Then i click buy and install [:)]
ATP kit turned down to meet your goals!


5000 Post Club
Carson City
It depends on your tolerance for where to torque curve is located, up high means it will be sluggish until the turbo spools, down really low, they you end up like stock and a very limited HP number but great torque.

My goal is to have the best in the middle.

DP, exhaust, bigger turbo, tune, bigger IC, you can do quite well.


5000 Post Club
Carson City
There is nothing that is going to give you a ton of low end torque and that HP range, just not made or maybe possible on a 1.6L engine, or so it seems.

The best there is will be the BW 62/58 and it has to be fit to the car but I am doing it and will pass on what it takes to a manf to make it work, if none take it on I may have some adapters build just so others can do this.

Tuning is not going to be to tough or expensive.

It will make torque lower down than the ATP and work better at higher RPM and ultimately last longer, in theory for now but pretty solid numbers behind it.

Porting the manifold will spool it faster but not hugely so, a properly done tubular manifold would be better yet but still not a huge difference.

I have spent a great deal of time looking into this and it is the way I am going, I pretty much have to as my car when done has to be reliable as a DD and track car all over North America, I will not have my shop to fix things in, just a 14 ft garage in my trailer.

Nobody has an all in one package, yet, it might happen but would be fairly far off in the future.

I did not want to wait nor had the time so DIY on many things I am doing.

If we could find ten serious BUYERS, not window shoppers, I could get the parts made easily and a good tune done that would only need tweaked for your particular area.

I am not in business any longer, I am retired, or I would have quite a few things for this car available, I am just working to make mine what I want it to be and helping others as much as I can.

It is a tiny market, we are lucky to have the great manf and vendors that do support this car, it will grow but it is not very big and who knows how far it can grow in the land of giant lifted trucks and 1000 HP cars that are not really drivable in the real sense.

If you can be a little bit patient you will be able to piece together a complete system as most all parts are already out there, just need the right turbo setup, you can do it all now and add the turbo when ready though, not a bad thing to do!



1000 Post Club
Mid North Coast
I just wanna know if i were to get an atp package, 1. will it come with all the hadware i need? and 2. What do i do for tuning? I live in canada and not in a big city tuners are far and few at best. I do have a cobb ap could they help me?

I would love to do this. But also i need to know all the things i need so i can knock it out over a week end so car works come monday.

Looks like there is no By-pass valve supplied with the kit or the plumbing required to vent it back to the intake.


5000 Post Club
Carson City
I was hoping to get an ATP bolt on solution then turn it down a bit for my needs but just not going to work out:(

With the AP data logging and base tune from Randy at Mountune it looks like it is going to be a relatively low cost and easy way to dial the car in, anywhere you have internet access:)

Dyno's are not the end all in tuning, far from it, they are great tool but not the best for really sorting it all out.

As Randy said, and I agree, it can be done properly without one and then go get a pull to see what the numbers are if you wish.

I went through a phase in high end sound quality mobile audio competition, spending many hours fine tuning using a real time analyzer(RTA) I bought just for the purpose. I tuned it well enough to beat a world champion in front of his pro football player customers in only my 5th competition and the next day probably the best all time car audio tuner tweaked it by ear and it blew away how my tune sounded. His tuned landed me a 7 page magazine article and kick started my fledgling business:)

A dyno is a great tool but not the absolute be all, end all, far from it. Kind of like dyno queen cars, many are not even real cars, if you drove them much at all they would melt down, blow up, pile into something......I prefer what I consider real cars and drive the sheat out of them:)


5000 Post Club
Carson City
I called to order a BW EFR 62/58 today but they closed early for the holiday.....:(

I want to be the first with this great turbo on a Fiesta ST:)

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