Maybe go LED H11's? It's been a long time since I researched LEDs and with the past problems with no clean cutoff and scatter, I went with the H9s. The light output for me is OK, but I don't travel many roads without some sort of lighting. Looking at LEDs, it seems as though the scatter issue is not so bad with the new LEDs that are side by side. If I'd done research on the LEDs, I would have probably went with LEDs, instead of the H9s. The Hikari H11s are getting good reviews and at $80.00 (with coupon code"bulbfact") the price point seems ok. There is a Hikari version with CREE LEDs that are cheaper. There are LEDs with a bit lower output that have a good rating and nice price point as well. The Techmax, looks like a good balance of additional lighting and price.