Hey guys, first and foremost, I want to thank all of you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Now on to the great news! Our first batch of the resized fittings have arrived and we are ready to send them out ASAP.
If you are running our induction hose or performance intake with the new adapter and have gotten an evap code on your 2016+ Fiesta ST, please send us a PM on here or contact our CS team at support@mishimoto.com at your earliest convenience so we can get your shipping information to have one of these fittings sent out to you. To start, we have a limited amount that we can send, so for now we'd only like to send these to those who have actually had codes thrown. Based on the amount of people who have contacted us for that, we should have you all covered. Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Now on to the great news! Our first batch of the resized fittings have arrived and we are ready to send them out ASAP.
If you are running our induction hose or performance intake with the new adapter and have gotten an evap code on your 2016+ Fiesta ST, please send us a PM on here or contact our CS team at support@mishimoto.com at your earliest convenience so we can get your shipping information to have one of these fittings sent out to you. To start, we have a limited amount that we can send, so for now we'd only like to send these to those who have actually had codes thrown. Based on the amount of people who have contacted us for that, we should have you all covered. Looking forward to hearing from you all!