FINALLY washed all of the effing pollen of of mine, and then also gave it another coat of Collinite 845, with two coats on the hood and roof, since they get caked the worst with that tree dust, around here (it is HORRID this year, I pity those with severe allergies!
![Frown [:(] [:(]](/images/smilies/frown.png)
) .
The worst is when the car is bright green from it, and then we just get a piddly little few drops of rain, instead of a monsoon downpour (which
might wash some of it off at least), so the minimum moisture activates the acid in that shit, and starts the etching into the clear coat/paint.
Since I cannot wash it once or twice a week like most others, I Collinite it every time I can wash it, hoping to stave off the pollen damage.