Part of the problem for Toyota is that their "niche" is reliable transportation. When you think of performance, do you think of Toyota? No. What was their last performance automobile? The Supra? The MR2? How long ago were they? Sure they race at LeMans, but have they ever won? (Didn't they loose because they broke last year? There's reliability!?) The point is that when buyers want a performance automobile they don't think of Toyota. Also, as F1 teams have come and gone, the engineering is not just something you can buy or bolt on. It takes dedication and time to get your engineering team up to snuff to be able to even compete at high levels. Mercedes has been making cars longer than anyone else, and has the engineering prowess that comes with time behind it, and their record proves this out. Ford has been racing since it's inception, and their decision to win at LeMans to celebrate 50 years proves their abilities. .. Who else could pull that off....... .. "I think we should win LeMans three years from now?" How long has Toyota been trying?
I'm sure it will be a nice comfortable piece of transportion that the whole family will appreciate. Performance? We'll see.
I'm sure it will be a nice comfortable piece of transportion that the whole family will appreciate. Performance? We'll see.