So I have 2qts of Motul 300, how do I go about refilling once I drain it? need to know before I do it.
You use a fluid pump, available at most auto parts stores. The pump has two ends and hoses are attached to each end. One hose draws fluid from out of your new bottle of fluid, and the other hose you insert in to the fill hole. Compress the pump and it works great.
It's usually a messy job (for me at least), and I keep plenty of paper shop towels nearby while doing this job to wipe away the slippery MTF. My axle seals have had problems leaking (replaced now three times under warranty), and I have regularly checked my MTF levels and refilled as needed. I have never had to remove the airbox to get to the fill hole, and draining then refilling your MTF fluid should not take you more than an hour or so max if you take your time.
TIP: Ford suggest filling the fluid until it is 1" from the top of your fill hole. Obviously in order to get this correct the car must be level. After you get it off the ground and level and you are in position to check where your fluid level is at,
1. I took a piece of 4" weed trimmer plastic wire and marked a 1" segment at one end of the wire with easy to see red permanent marker.
2. Take the end that is marked and insert it in to the fill hole until the top portion of your 1" mark is at the edge of the inner fill hole. Remove your wire and you should be able to easily see if your MTF level is near the top of the red mark or not.
3. Fill or remove as necessary.
EDIT: I just noticed how late I am to reply to your Oh well, might help someone else thumbsup