Thanks Clit, [how many times have I thought that] for the hearing information. too bad i'm 40 years too late, all them years Top fuel cars, semi trucks with duel stacks with no mufflers have left me deaf in the left ear and 50% in my right. people don't realize that you need two ears to hone in to find the ringing phone, look where the siren is coming from, or someone calling you. also you have a better chance of being a crime victim if to can't keep a ear out. If I go to a party I can't converse because with One working ear its just all noise. old trucks were very loud back then and now the price is being payed. real hearing aids are very expensive and some people can't get used to them. you will find it hard to move up in a company too. take care of your self and your loved ones. The one Dewey Weber long time So.Cal surfer and board maker said before he died ''I should have treated my body like a temple instead of a amusement park'' How right you were R.I.P. bro.