Couple weeks in now with the X47, about 500 miles on it so far...a few thoughts from Jeff...
What kind of tires are you guys running with the x-47 and how is your traction. My boss is going to buy me any set of wheels and tires I want along with a LSD but I dont know what to get. I have a set of wheels and tire for winter and a set for summer so these will just be for street racing and the drag strip.
I love my X47 and the lag is VERY little if any compared to stock. I would say get the x47 because it give you room to grow if you move or fuel in your area changes. I thing it made the car easier to drive in town because the Torque is just a little higher. Gives you a chance to get moving before you start spinning your tires.
I am finalizing my tune after adding Cobb traction control. I've got it to the point where I can floor it in 2nd and get about 90% traction which feels good. Why anyone would not add TC is beyond me. It really enhances the driving experience especially with the turbo upgrade.
I agree with you on the lesser torque and the fact that it is actually nice. My car has zero torque steer now. Before on stock turbo it would definitely pull to the side when i floored it in 1st or 2nd. Now it doesn't. According to vDyno there is 10-20 ft/lbs less torque and the turbo might spool a few hundred rpms later. For this reason I think torque steer is not a factor and the car again is so much more usable and driveability is enhanced.
The best I could do on 93 280 hp on the v dyno. I agree the tq is a little low but you should see the graph. How do you get pics on here?
Nice numbers usually the hp is close to the same as torque if not less with these kinda different I guess how you got 314 and 277. Of course this is vdyno be nice to see real dyno numbers once tuning is finished. When I eventually land an x47 I will probably tune for both e30 and 93 and run 93 alot of the time where mine is a daily and the closest e85 to me is like 40+ miles away. If I could land 280 whp or better on straight 93 pump I'd be more than satisfied.
My tuner/installer (Panda) suggested that the FiST maxes out at 275ish on 93 (based on Fuel)... and just below 300 on E30 (same consideration)....
Yes with the x47 and only 93 oct 275 ish is all that you are going to get but that is the fuels fault. When you go E fuel you can make more than 300 but you have to do the aux fuel with out it the car runs out of fuel.
That is what I thought. If course 280 to the wheels is plenty for me. Wouldn't mind running that daily and being tuned for e30 so I can occasionally run 300 ish to the ground for fun and for the track etc. I live 40+ miles from the nearest ethanol so it isn't practical to run it all the time on my daily driver which this car is.
I've done about 10 datalog/vDynos now and the average in decent weather/humidity is right at 275 so this is on par with what all of you are saying. I wish when people brag about being close to 300 they would mention that they're on aux fuel/ethanol/meth or have the X47+ or R or whatever. But for a base X47 275 is what is realistic and expected. I suspect when I hit a real dyno in a few months that's what it will say and I will be quite happy.
Ethanol would be a nice +10% bump but in my case station is too far away (45 minutes) and sacrifice in MPG makes me content not having it.
Yeah the mrx has a MUCH steeper powerband
Awesome! Amazing! I'm concerned about the lag but the power is very good
Bryan (@antarctica24) just installed the MRX on his car and we've been talking...from everything I read and hear it seems to me that the MRX has more top end power but sacrifices the early spool to some degree. So in picking between these 2 options one would probably decide which was more important for end power gain by maybe 8-10%, go with the MRX....prefer the low end spool, go with the X47.