Don't forget to swap those coolant plugs before install

I'm seeing 31lb/min @ 25psi.
My final 93 tune is 275/300 at 25 psi and 12.2:1afr at redline. I'll post some vdynos later. I'm happier losing the 5-10hp because:
1- it's 3 less psi
2- it's much richer
3- it's only a 93 tune...
Troy should have a very nice 93 tune for you boys, we worked hard on it.
93 vs 93 I'm dead even with esondi and his 2680r atp kit. Beat the snot out of the car this past weekend on a stl st cruise and it performed perfect. The linear power is hard to beat when coming out of a turn.
E30 will start soon- gotta go back to stl and fill my 2. 15 gal drums with e30 so I can tune/drive while at school

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