And therein lies the problem with the false economy of oversees outsourcing. Unless you want to keep a bunch of inventory on hand to buffer against stockout, the super long and unreliable supply chain means that, sooner or later, you're going to run out of stock and stay that way long enough to lose customers. To be fair, the quality issues aren't what they used to be, but most of my customers in the US and EU are moving away from their Chinese providers in favor of slightly more expensive western sources and finding a net gain with more reliable supply chains. As for me, time to pull the trigger on the SS Tuning flares.
These are valid points - having said this, my perception is that M2 treats this not as a business, but more of a hobby. They don't fabricate the flares as they don't want to be "exposed to toxic materials", and their relationship with the fabricator is such that they themselves can't get an answer as to when. But, they don't really seem to care much. Further, then there is a matter of filling out the shipping container to make it economical to move it across the pond. All of this doesn't produce the needed order volume - leading to a Catch 22 situation.
SS Tuning kit/flares looks appealing, I have had a glance. My challenge is that I don't have an installer that I could trust, and that tipped the scales to [MENTION=9462]FuryMotoring[/MENTION], as I won't have to spend any more time on figuring out the wheels that would fit my particular configuration. That's worth the price of installation to me. At the same time, the VM kit is going on the car as well. Maybe I'd get one of the SSTuning's steering wheels while the Euro is cheap enough...
Then there is the R5 body kit - with the same caveat about the installers, and a rather extravagant price.
I must be getting senile as I clearly am going down the path of valuing the looks (I would not use the word "aesthetics") of the car, creating a 'boy ricer' and spending money that I know I wouldn't be able to recover if I sold. When everything is done, my FiST will look similar to the STBrawler (you can find the pics of that car by Googling).