For a daily driver and even track cars. I highly recommend Castrol SRF. It has the best resistance to getting wet compared to almost any off the shelf fluid. Which is probably one of the most important things you want in a daily driver. This fluid comes factory in Porsches and many other 6 figure cars. It is pricier than other fluids, however it is well worth it in my opinion for a daily/ weekend warrior/ all around car.
It may be the longest life out of all of the pure track fluids (and therefore much, much more streetable than all of the others, due to it's world record high WET boiling point), but it is still a true track fluid nonetheless.
It will still take on moisture quicker than most pure street fluids even though it will not boil at a lower temp once it does, and was still meant to be bled and flushed out much more often (despite it's crazy co$t) than the better, longer life, DOT 4 LV fluids we are debating on this thread.
I was actually considering it for my street use only ride because of said 'top of the heap' wet boiling point, and subconsciously maybe wanting the 'nannies' to not function (even on the street) due to it not being an LV fluid, but decided it was major overkill for my uses, and also due to the lack of a facility/place to change it out often enough.