Thanks for sharing the pics! Glad you guys like it.
If anyone finds the fit is a little too tight, you can take a blade or sandpaper and carefully cut/sand down the bottom corners or sides. Wherever it's making the most contact. I do design these to fit snug, and due to the nature of 3D Printing technology, there can be slight variances in the tolerances.
Also, in regards to the red ST Keychain, just a word of caution: I made this from a red material that I already had on hand, which is softer plastic than what I make the items for the center console from. Unlike the black material I use for the center console items, the red material I used is not suitable for summer heat of the car, so try to avoid getting it hot or it will bend out of shape (you can bend it back with some heat however). Sometime soon I'll be getting stronger red material to make these out of as I plan on using some red for the dashboard cubby hole drawer I'm making.