I would rather run E30 but the closest station to buy E85 is 100 miles away and as we travel I would have to carry spare cans of it in the back of the truck(car will be in the back of the big trailer) to ensure I have it at the track.
I can get qt cans of Torco and make 10 gallons of 102 out of 91 or 104 out of 93 Octane so it makes more sense to tune with it for my needs.
BUT, I am seemingly at a point of not much return at 5200 ft, not much more power than running 91 octane on a good tune already done for it. I might end up selling the Cyborg setup which is proven to be amazing at sea level and making my own EFR turbo mount or even a tubular manifold, DP, comp inlet and outlet and then start the tuning all over
I am looking into this option but will be away from my shop for a couple of weeks so not even able to keep tweaking the Torco to see what can be done up here.