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Fiesta ST Age Demographics

Fiesta ST Age Demographics

  • 16-24 years

    Votes: 272 17.1%
  • 25-34 years

    Votes: 636 40.0%
  • 35-44 years

    Votes: 366 23.0%
  • 45-54 years

    Votes: 167 10.5%
  • 55-64 years

    Votes: 115 7.2%
  • 65 years and over

    Votes: 35 2.2%

  • Total voters
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Currently 41, bought the car when I was 35, so I fit into the 35-44 age group perfectly :D To be honest, it was both the driving feel of it, on top of the Top Gear episode where they reviewed the Mk 7 and Hammond couldn't stop grinning like a madman, that made me choose to buy one. He was right, you can't put a price on the smile you get when you rev-match on the downshift, plant the right foot, hear the little whine of the turbo spool and then YEEEEEEEEHAAAAW [driving]

Like Ronnie in the post above mine, this car is staying with me until the day I pass or it gets written off, and like him, going for option 1! I've had a distracted driver sideswipe the front right fender and wheel (repaired under insurance) and had a chunk of ice this past winter smack the front right wheel, and I'm getting an alignment done with my winter-to-summer wheel swapout in a week and a bit at the local Ford dealership. Knock on wood that's the last major impact on the car [paranoid]

Tom Mackinroy

New Member
Military Veteran
35 and plan on keeping the car either in the family or till i total it. Really trying for option 1.
Same here. But I think that my gf will eventually make me give the car to her. Lately she's been driving the car even more than I have despite the fact that when I was buying mine via sca.auction last year she didn't chip in :).

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Premium Account
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Nope. I’m 78, be 79 in August. New owner, just bought my 2019 with 24k miles in Pennsylvania. Flew in, drove it home to Arizona in 2.5 days. I have always loved small, light cars that are fun to drive. Wanted an original 60’s Mini forever but always felt the vintage ones were overpriced and then there’s the Lucas electrics to deal with, ‘nuff said. Had two SVT Focuses, both got totaled several years ago, been missing having one the whole time. When I started to look for a replacement, looked at a bunch of different small cars but then discovered the ST and started looking for one. When Road and Track named it onbe of the 20 best enthusiast cars ever, that sealed it. Missed a great deal on one at a Ford dealer in Texas, 2017, 60k miles and EVERY option available. Not knowing much about them, I was hesitant. (Friday). They volunteered to do an inspection on Sat, call back on Monday. Told them I would buy the car at asking if no significant issue found. On Someone bopught it, sight unseen, for $2k more than thye were askin

M-Sport fan

9000 Post Club
Princeton, N.J.
You've got 10 years on me, but we are both rarities in this age group generally, which are driving mostly (the 'usual go-to'); Avalons, Camrys, Versas, and Lexus RXes, let alone anything at all 'sporty'.

FUGGETABOUT anything they must shift for themselves!

70 years and up? Wow! You guys were around for most of the good stuff in automotive history. I would have loved to have been old enough to buy a 1964 Mustang off the showroom floor. Or a '66 Thunderbird. My dad had one when I was a kid in the 70's. Loved the top down fun.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Los Angeles
Nope. I’m 78, be 79 in August. New owner, just bought my 2019 with 24k miles in Pennsylvania. Flew in, drove it home to Arizona in 2.5 days. I have always loved small, light cars that are fun to drive. Wanted an original 60’s Mini forever but always felt the vintage ones were overpriced and then there’s the Lucas electrics to deal with, ‘nuff said. Had two SVT Focuses, both got totaled several years ago, been missing having one the whole time. When I started to look for a replacement, looked at a bunch of different small cars but then discovered the ST and started looking for one. When Road and Track named it onbe of the 20 best enthusiast cars ever, that sealed it. Missed a great deal on one at a Ford dealer in Texas, 2017, 60k miles and EVERY option available. Not knowing much about them, I was hesitant. (Friday). They volunteered to do an inspection on Sat, call back on Monday. Told them I would buy the car at asking if no significant issue found. On Someone bopught it, sight unseen, for $2k more than thye were askin
Well done SVTBob. We can't let all these young whippersnappers have all the fun! To celebrate my 76th, I'm planning on a chopper ride in Long Beach in a Cabri G2 for an hour to see if I'm any good at trying to hover! Always wanted to be a chopper pilot when I was in the Army, but my OC wouldn't let me go to the AAC. You had to be on the course before your 29th birthday and he dragged it out so I wouldn't qualify! I hope his nuts turned square and went septic at the corners!


Premium Account
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Exactly ! Good luck with the chopper ride. Too bad your OC got in your way. I retired in 2011 at 66. Immediately started work on my bucket list. First item: go 200 mph (more people have climbed Mt Everest than have gone a documented 200 mph). That will change since more stock motorcycles can do that now (the new Hayabusa being one). Since I did not have $200k to build or buy a car to do that, I bought a used, stock 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa and got to work. (Gen2 Hayabusa's probably ran a true mid-170's, stock. Electronically speed limited to 186mph). With an aftermarket exhaust, some dyno tuning, a bit of lowering and a small gearing change, broke 200mph on my first weekend at the Mohave Mile on the Spaceport runway. Sadly, that venue is no longer open. Too bad, very well run with the emphasis on safety, great experience.


Premium Account
U.S. Air Force Veteran
M-Sport fan, I have been lurking while I was shopping for my ST. Have come to respect your opinions in the threads I have been exploring, especially the suspension related threads. like the Feisty thread by DialCaliper. Glad to see you're an "old guy" too !


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Los Angeles
M-Sport fan, I have been lurking while I was shopping for my ST. Have come to respect your opinions in the threads I have been exploring, especially the suspension related threads. like the Feisty thread by DialCaliper. Glad to see you're an "old guy" too !
Congrats on your achievement Bob. I have two more on my bucket list. Drive the Nissan GT-R at the Vegas track and run the Nurburgring in their rented FiestaST. I was going this year but I had to cancel the trip because of a serious complication in the health of my old Army navigator, who's car I was supposed to be driving this week in a rally in North Wales.

Exactly ! Good luck with the chopper ride. Too bad your OC got in your way. I retired in 2011 at 66. Immediately started work on my bucket list. First item: go 200 mph (more people have climbed Mt Everest than have gone a documented 200 mph). That will change since more stock motorcycles can do that now (the new Hayabusa being one). Since I did not have $200k to build or buy a car to do that, I bought a used, stock 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa and got to work. (Gen2 Hayabusa's probably ran a true mid-170's, stock. Electronically speed limited to 186mph). With an aftermarket exhaust, some dyno tuning, a bit of lowering and a small gearing change, broke 200mph on my first weekend at the Mohave Mile on the Spaceport runway. Sadly, that venue is no longer open. Too bad, very well run with the emphasis on safety, great experience.
Suzuki’s are notoriously optimistic on the speedo (170 showing as 186). Sometimes as much as 12 percent. My ZX14r was 8% optimistic. Solved that with a speedo healer. I have many 1/4 drag passes At 160mph+ but never got to do a real sanctioned standing mile which should put me over 200mph with some gearing. Saw 204 gps in Mexico. 😉 getting a real sanctioned number is def on my Bucket list. Congrats to you!!


Premium Account
U.S. Air Force Veteran
Rallytaff, if you ever make it to Vegas to run the GT-R, let me know, I’m only 90 minutes away. So sorry to hear about you missing the rally in Wales, a memory for a lifetime. Last year the wife and I did a trip through the Italian and Swiss Alps in a rented Porsche GTS. Will NEVER forget that, it was a blast ! My wife gave me the trip for my birthday, we went with another couple. A German firm planned the whole thing (cars, routes, hotels, etc.). Google the Stelvio Pass. Unreal. Mega ST, yes aware of the inaccuracy of the Busa’s speedo, got a SpeedHealer also. Still have the bike. Very proud of the certificate on the wall. Gotta go a long way to do it now, Texas probably the closest. Got a few tricks stored up my sleeve, still a stock long block, would like to try to up my personal best but the wife would have a heart attack.


1000 Post Club
Premium Account
Los Angeles
I'm originally from Wales and came here after doing 15yrs in the Military Police in '86. I miss some of the roads but most of all the fish and chips drenched in vinegar! The reason I had to cancel was my navigator is terminally ill with lung cancer and was too weak because of the radiotherapy and chemo screwing his body up. Luckily we both got full refunds for the money we'd put out. It would have been a fun event in his 1967 Hillman Imp!

I'll let you know when I go to Vegas. Not interested in driving any Italian cars, but these beasts are amazing.

Saw the Stelvio Pass on Top Gear. What a challenge!

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