Oooh where'd you buy the engine/trans from?
@Aeromoto sold me a crate o' FiST a while back.

Finished the install late last night, only had time to run it up the road a mile or so and back before I went in for my 5th shower in 2 days and collapsed. lol... Tonight I'll put the hood back on when
@DRVIPER711 gets back in town (I took it off alone, but there's no way I'm getting it installed and aligned alone) and I'll check it over more thoroughly. I let it idle for about 15 minutes before I drove it, no fluid leaks I could see at the time but it definitely idles low now. It also fell on its face somewhat on acceleration, but a) that engine hasn't been run in over a year, most likely, and b) the battery was disconnected for several days, so I assume it needs to relearn a bunch of sensor inputs. I also have a Cobb tuner that I haven't used on it yet since I knew it was getting major surgery, lol- I don't know if installing the new tune will force it to reset some parameters anyway. So, good news, it runs with no CEL and no obvious major leaks. Bad news, the idle was low enough to flicker the lights (that did seem to improve after I drove it that short distance, so may just have needed to remap its throttle calibrations- I was so tired I didn't stick around in the parking lot to watch it idle) and it stumbles on acceleration, which could be a calibration issue or could be a boost leak somewhere, last time I had it apart to replace the clutch it had a slightly loose hose clamp on the charge pipe that I didn't notice until I was on the highway.