^^^Yeah, thanks. ![Like [like] [like]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_like.gif)
It's just that everyone jumps down your neck when you even mention a "number", even though they themselves seem to be chasing a said number most of the time.![Really Confused [???:)] [???:)]](/images/smilies/confused.gif)
It is going to take A LOT to get this car to even match my last ride as well (albeit FAR FAR from a crotch rocket's power/weight), which is maybe why I appear to be 'power hungry' to many on here who came from anemic, NA, lightly modded imports and such (to whom THESE cars seem like F1 cars right from the factory??).![Wink [wink] [wink]](/images/smilies/wink.gif)
![Like [like] [like]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_like.gif)
It's just that everyone jumps down your neck when you even mention a "number", even though they themselves seem to be chasing a said number most of the time.
![Really Confused [???:)] [???:)]](/images/smilies/confused.gif)
It is going to take A LOT to get this car to even match my last ride as well (albeit FAR FAR from a crotch rocket's power/weight), which is maybe why I appear to be 'power hungry' to many on here who came from anemic, NA, lightly modded imports and such (to whom THESE cars seem like F1 cars right from the factory??).
![Wink [wink] [wink]](/images/smilies/wink.gif)