I have a 2016 Ford Fiesta S and the blend door actuator right behind my climate control knob started making a clicking noise when I turned it on. My car has 3 blend door actuators. I ordered part YH2016 (AV1Z19E616K) and had my mechanic remove the old one and put that one in. The problem is that now, after it was installed, the cold or warm air only blows out my side vents by the windows and not the main vents on the dash. My car doesn't get cool enough in hot weather. So, I think I ordered the wrong part. I called the Ford customer service line, but they only told me that my car has 3 actuators, they couldn't tell me which one I needed. The other 2 actuators are YH1896 (BE8Z19E616B) and YH1895 (BE8Z19E616A). My mechanic is not sure which one I should order. He hasn't worked on Ford Fiestas before. Any help is appreciated.