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Strange Thing Insurance Pricing on Fiesta ST’s


2000 Post Club
Burlington, NC, USA
So Jealous 😳 It’s really not just Cali or all of Cali it’s anywhere there are extremely high levels of population and traffic, it’s the big city thing. Friend in San Pedro literally around 25 miles from here on the Coast pays $600 a year for 250/500 for his FiST. Its live in a large city and get jammed up by the Insurance companies. It’s like oh you want to live where cool stuff is happening and going on we are gonna charge you for it.😂
I suppose that’s one of the benefits of living in a small shit hole town lol

M-Sport fan

9000 Post Club
Princeton, N.J.
Where I live it is considered 'exurban' to even mostly rural.

But being Joyzee where you are never all that far from an urban, highly populated/traffic area, and the (most likely/probably corrupt) state insurance commission gifting the insurance industry basically carte blanche on their across the board, regardless of any individual records/factors, yearly/bi-annual increases, I am now paying $1500.00/year for 100/300 liability (don't own anything besides this car!), with 250 deductible on collision, and comprehensive (except for zero on glass, and having a factory parts replacement clause/rider which they make me pay a slight bit extra for).

This is with a near perfect credit score, BA education, and a perfect driving record (although they always make sure that they count a divorce as a major strike against you for whatever corrupt statistical/actuarial/correlational rationale they can come up with).

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2000 Post Club
Premium Account
So Jealous 😳 It’s really not just Cali or all of Cali it’s anywhere there are extremely high levels of population and traffic, it’s the big city thing.
This. I lived a long time in LA and Chicago. Owning a car in a big city is a royal PITA.

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2000 Post Club
Premium Account
I suppose that’s one of the benefits of living in a small shit hole town lol
Elkhart, IN here.
Yup. There are benefits, but I live in Indiana. Not my favorite state.
But, like anywhere, There are some cool things about my shit hole town and some of the people in it.
I miss the twisties and the great dirt trails, but I ain't got the scratch to retire in Cali.


Premium Account
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Insurance when I register my FiST in southern oregon is in the $90-120/month range.

When I register it up in the Portland/Hillsboro area it's about 4x that.

the FiST is definitely the most expensive car I've ever insured. My older toyotas are so cheap to insure that I dont really think about it.


4000 Post Club
South West Ohio
Decades ago I had moved from a suburb to an area that was surrounded by corn fields and small towns. (it's built up now) Everyone started quoting double what I was paying before. Agent after agent could not come up with an excuse that would pass the smell test. One agent (with distressed expression) said, 'a prior owner filed two losses on the vehicle'. At that point, I had owned the vehicle outright for years and never even had any association/relation to this prior owner. Some years later I had a free CarFax report opportunity so ran it on it just out of curiosity. It started its life as a fleet vehicle with a rental company. (which was a surprise given that it was a four door economy sedan with a stick shift) IIRC the next owner defaulted and it was repoed. The person I got it from was just a flipper. But remember what I said about auto insurance always having "valid" excuses to charge an exorbitant price? They didn't know this, but they could've said, "well we have higher speed limits out here"... which is a given since its much farther out from the city.

As mentioned before, insurance will nearly ALWAYS have an excuse; relevant or not. That's part of the game. For example, are you male ? DING! Higher prices. Where do you live ? DING! Higher prices. No Kids ? DING! Higher prices. Not been with the same employer for the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. Not married ? DING! Higher prices. Divorced ? DING! Higher prices. How old are you ? DING! Higher prices. No credit history ? DING! Higher prices. Less than perfect credit ? DING! Higher prices. Haven't been at the same address for the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. Anyone under your household had a parking or speeding ticket in the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. No house ? DING! Higher prices. Earn less than 40k/yr ? DING! Higher prices. No other business with us ? DING! Higher prices. New to us ? DING! Higher prices. (but we PROMISE to bring them down after six months! - SCAM) Run a business ? DING! Higher prices. Drive more than 10k a year ? DING! Higher prices. Won't wear a monitoring box ? DING! Higher prices. Do you breathe oxygen ? DING! Higher prices. Etcetera, etc, you get the picture. You see, they're going to have an excuse for like 98% of the driving (and non-driving) population. So it's not whether they screw you, but whether they choose to. Doesn't matter if you have 99 other positive things like small vehicle, liability only, air bag, no history of wrecks, clean driving record, no claims, etcetera, etc.

M-Sport fan

9000 Post Club
Princeton, N.J.
Hey, they gotta help/collude in keeping those maniacally, compulsively GREEDY CEOs' 'compensation', benefits, stock options, and platinum parachutes criminally high, now don't they?!?
Not to mention the shareholders' insane demands for dividends. [mad]


Premium Account
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA

Car insurance rates have skyrocketed cuz car repair costs have gone up. The number of claims has also gone up. More claims and each claim costs more. The average price of a car from 2000 to 2024 has doubled to over $47k. Do you think it costs the same to repair vehicles as it did 20 years ago? Do you think health care costs have stayed the same?

Insurance rates are approved by states and get negotiated. Insurance companies have to show that they're spending more to charge you more. The idea that insurance companies are just supposed to eat the additional costs without charging you more is detached from reality. This isn't rocket appliances.

Your anger/frustration should be directed at your fellow citizens who increase the cost of insuring all of us.

Insurance sucks but lol cmon.

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6000 Post Club
Los Feliz (In the City of Angels) aka Los Angeles
Thread Starter #30
View attachment 62601

Car insurance rates have skyrocketed cuz car repair costs have gone up. The number of claims has also gone up. More claims and each claim costs more. The average price of a car from 2000 to 2024 has doubled to over $47k. Do you think it costs the same to repair vehicles as it did 20 years ago? Do you think health care costs have stayed the same?

Insurance rates are approved by states and get negotiated. Insurance companies have to show that they're spending more to charge you more. The idea that insurance companies are just supposed to eat the additional costs without charging you more is detached from reality. This isn't rocket appliances.

Your anger/frustration should be directed at your fellow citizens who increase the cost of insuring all of us.

Insurance sucks but lol cmon.
This thread has kinda gotten derailed . The Original theme was about the fact that FiST’s cost more to insure than my new GRC a much more expensive sports car relatively speaking . I also kinda opened the door to the situation with the comparison of cost due to localities that was disparate. That is a statistics based thing.Wrong or right it’s how it’s done. Oh and indeed in five years my GRC could get alot more expensive to own if people start crashing them on a regular basis. Yes it does seem like FiST’s get in a lot of accidents . I see posts about it all the time on the Facebook group.
As to your comment of the average cost of a car having doubled in 4 years ya no. Thats just not true . The FiST was a bargain basement car . The Corolla non GRC was always around 25k and now is about 28k is for a non GRC for example. That is not double yes prices have gone up but not double. Cars shot up for a minute due to supply constraints because of a chip shortage to run the electronics . That has subsided dealers are not marking up cars anymore for the most part outside of low number specialty vehicles and even that has subsided. I would not have bought my GRC otherwise as they were subject to those insane dealer markups. Car prices have gone up about 20-30% max. As things slow economically they will drop some . Inflation is not as crazy as people seem to think it is . It’s mainly been a bit sticky but the CPI is dropping. It’s just one does not see it in consumables like food and whatnot till the near end of the drop due to companies like grocery chains wanting to eke out the last bits of profit they can.
Parts for FiST’s have gone up because Ford and their discontinuation of all things car outside of the Mustang.
So ya prices have gone up and things have gotten more expensive but nothing has doubled unless someone is purposefully price gouging and ya you see that most in food and restaurants .
Cars ya no. Oh and you really can’t compare a FiST to a GRC strictly on price as you get a lot more car with a GRC you can compare them on driving as all cars can compared on driving.
P.S. There are still dirt cheap cars selling new at the same price the Fiesta sold for in 2019 . Go look at a Nissan Versa can be had new for under 20k!


Premium Account
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
As to your comment of the average cost of a car having doubled in 4 years ya no. Thats just not true .

The average price of a new car has more than doubled in the last 2 decades, which is what I said. I provided the numbers and you are welcome to google it. This is relevant because americans buy a ton of new vehicles and it impacts everyone's premiums. This explains a large amount of the insurance premium increases, along with the price of labor and parts. The average price of a car insurance claim has also doubled(more or less, depends on the type of claim). You can also look it up another way by looking up the total cost of claims per year.

The reason the FiST is so expensive to insure is statistics. FiST drivers are often younger, male, and get into more accidents. I looked up the stats on this when I saw my new premium. Again, your states regulate this and it's all open information. Easy to look up. There is no conspiracy here. Things are simply more expensive and we drive a "high risk" vehicle.

It's really simple math. This isn't rocket appliances. This is one of those things that people like to overcomplicate to make it seem more nefarious than it is. It's really not that complicated.

I think we're all mostly in agreement. I was just laughing at the old man conspiracy stuff that insurance is some nefarious scam that isn't governed by basic risk analysis.

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6000 Post Club
Los Feliz (In the City of Angels) aka Los Angeles
Thread Starter #32
The average price of a new car has more than doubled in the last 2 decades, which is what I said. I provided the numbers and you are welcome to google it. This is relevant because americans buy a ton of new vehicles and it impacts everyone's premiums. This explains a large amount of the insurance premium increases, along with the price of labor and parts. The average price of a car insurance claim has also doubled(more or less, depends on the type of claim). You can also look it up another way by looking up the total cost of claims per year.

The reason the FiST is so expensive to insure is statistics. FiST drivers are often younger, male, and get into more accidents. I looked up the stats on this when I saw my new premium. Again, your states regulate this and it's all open information. Easy to look up. There is no conspiracy here. Things are simply more expensive and we drive a "high risk" vehicle.

It's really simple math. This isn't rocket appliances. This is one of those things that people like to overcomplicate to make it seem more nefarious than it is. It's really not that complicated.

I think we're all mostly in agreement. I was just laughing at the old man conspiracy stuff that insurance is some nefarious scam that isn't governed by basic risk analysis.
Though you cite the price of cars doubling over the last two decades you fail to figure for inflation if you do modern car is no more expensive than it was two decades ago. On top of that some cars are for what they are are even better deals to features and technological advancement.

A case in point wound have been the 350z in 2003 which debuted for 30k and compared to the 30k when new 90 300zx actually gave you more care stock for the money in terms of handling and power and engine design etc..

I also do understand what’s at play as a at first being shocked I did read the stastics and do the research to find out and even cited a previous insider who wrote about the point in my Corolla forum thread.

Do I still find it kinda weird nonetheless ya. I understand everything at play though. Oh and ya I think auto correct owned you on the rocket science comment. “ rocket appliance”😂 I. bolded it.🤣.
I do agree with you about the notion of some kinda of conspiracy. 😂

The only conspiracy is the fact that ya Insurance companies tend to be a tad greedy and that ya they are in business to make money . Just like every other business . No conspiracy.

Also yes with the cost of covering things going up premiums will increase and one can look at regulations and lawyers and lawsuits and payouts from as effecting all of that. Where there is litigation comes higher prices due to the effects of litigation especially in a sue happy country like ours . where people are encouraged to sue at the drop of a hat with comments” like it’s your right” .


1000 Post Club
Insured through Progressive and it didnt allow me to designate trim. Its just a 2017 Fiesta. $90 a month


Premium Account
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
. Oh and ya I think auto correct owned you on the rocket science comment. “ rocket appliance”😂 I. bolded it.🤣.
I do agree with you about the notion of some kinda of conspiracy. 😂
Nah I meant rocket appliances. It's a phrase from the show Trailer Park Boys.

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M-Sport fan

9000 Post Club
Princeton, N.J.
Insured through Progressive and it didnt allow me to designate trim. Its just a 2017 Fiesta. $90 a month
Yeah, that's what I was paying all of last year for the same coverage stated in my post above with AAA/CSAA until our state commission granted (gifted?) them a huge increase.

I would've been paying the increase after July of last year if I had opted for a 6 month policy instead of a yearly policy, <-(which many companies in this state do not even allow, and require/allow exclusively a half year policy, yet another scam/opportunity for them to increase your rates).

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