Decades ago I had moved from a suburb to an area that was surrounded by corn fields and small towns. (it's built up now) Everyone started quoting double what I was paying before. Agent after agent could not come up with an excuse that would pass the smell test. One agent (with distressed expression) said, 'a prior owner filed two losses on the vehicle'. At that point, I had owned the vehicle outright for years and never even had any association/relation to this prior owner. Some years later I had a free CarFax report opportunity so ran it on it just out of curiosity. It started its life as a fleet vehicle with a rental company. (which was a surprise given that it was a four door economy sedan with a stick shift) IIRC the next owner defaulted and it was repoed. The person I got it from was just a flipper. But remember what I said about auto insurance always having "valid" excuses to charge an exorbitant price? They didn't know this, but they could've said, "well we have higher speed limits out here"... which is a given since its much farther out from the city.
As mentioned before, insurance will nearly ALWAYS have an excuse; relevant or not. That's part of the game. For example, are you male ? DING! Higher prices. Where do you live ? DING! Higher prices. No Kids ? DING! Higher prices. Not been with the same employer for the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. Not married ? DING! Higher prices. Divorced ? DING! Higher prices. How old are you ? DING! Higher prices. No credit history ? DING! Higher prices. Less than perfect credit ? DING! Higher prices. Haven't been at the same address for the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. Anyone under your household had a parking or speeding ticket in the past five years ? DING! Higher prices. No house ? DING! Higher prices. Earn less than 40k/yr ? DING! Higher prices. No other business with us ? DING! Higher prices. New to us ? DING! Higher prices. (but we PROMISE to bring them down after six months! - SCAM) Run a business ? DING! Higher prices. Drive more than 10k a year ? DING! Higher prices. Won't wear a monitoring box ? DING! Higher prices. Do you breathe oxygen ? DING! Higher prices. Etcetera, etc, you get the picture. You see, they're going to have an excuse for like 98% of the driving (and non-driving) population. So it's not whether they screw you, but whether they choose to. Doesn't matter if you have 99 other positive things like small vehicle, liability only, air bag, no history of wrecks, clean driving record, no claims, etcetera, etc.