I believe it's a matter if you get hot summers, at all, then use MTF-2. I live where it's pretty mild in summer and winter, use MTF-2, and almost wish it was even a bit thicker in the summer when it's over 80. Personally, I wouldn't use MTF-3 if you live where it gets above 80... So technically MTF-2 and MTF-3 meet Ford spec, but I'd be tempted to go 75-85 if it's still GL-4 rated. But MTF-1 75w-85 is GL4/5 rated and I hear you want to avoid GL5 at all costs, must be why only 2-3 meets Ford spec.... Anyway, for Jersey I'd go with MTF-2 since it gets above 80 more than it hits below 30... or does it? LOL