To clarify what Trickster has said 4 cycle gasoline engines have the spark plug start the combustion process BEFORE the piston is at TDC. Because ideally you want the combustion to reach it's peak at a point a bit past TDC so that the full burn takes place during the power stroke. How much far in front of TCD (advance) is needed is dependent on many factors, some of which are piston speed, charge temperature, and fuel octane.
If you have too much advance then what happens is the the fuel charge can start reach the critical temperature and pressure before TDC. As the piston compresses that burning charge the chemical process can then change from Combustion to Detonation. BTW, Detonation really is an Explosion, as in a Dynamite type of Kaboom. In the case of our Fiesta it can blow a hole thru the top on a piston quicker than you can snap a finger.