The FiST is happiest bending and ripping around curves. I live in central Pennsylvania with lots of
very fun twisty and hilly back roads. Often I just like to chill and take in the view around me. But, picture this common scenario.... I'm chillin' on a twisty road when all the sudden someone flies up and tailgates me... I'm sure some of them think or say,
"Look at this douche in his "Fiesta" with "racing stripes." As they tail me harder, I hammer it. They try to keep up at first. It doesn't last long. I eventually see them at the next stop sign when of course now they tail gate me again!. Rinse and Repeat. It happens often even early in the morning because the road I take leads to our airport where people are often in a hurry. Point is,
I earn my stripes so to speak.
Honestly, I didn't choose the stripes, it was on the car when I bought them, like it or leave it. It's not permanently painted on, and at 41 years old, I eventually will remove them, sooner than later.