To make things a bit more clear, staying closer to stock offset is best as far as suspension geometry as well as wear on the bearings is less than moving the wheels out further.
The +38 is not hugely off and will not adversely effect the handling to a degree that is an issue, I run +35 as that is what I can get and my car is on rails though has all the most important mods done and super sticky tires...
The +35, +38, will fill out the fender wells a bit more which helps those wanting a wider footprint, closer to being flush, etc...that said more would likely want an offset like that than a +45 which could be a bit of an issue with 225 wide tires on the front of the car.
My setup, 15x9, +35mm, 225/45/15 Rival S tires, I had to add a 5mm spacer to clear the BC Racing coilover bodies as the tires have an inner curb protector strip, odd that they do. When I have the 225/45/15 RA1 track tires, same wheel specs, mounted I only need a 2mm spacer as they do not have the curb strip.
+45mm would move the wheels in 10mm closer to the struts, take off 1/2" which is 12.7mm less wheel width than I run on the inside then you are only 2.7mm further out than my wheels so could end up having to run a spacer to clear the suspension.
If the wheels can be ordered with +35 or +38 offset it might be the best way to go.
I will work this out later when I have a bit more time to ensure I am doing it right, had to take some allergy meds and not used to it, a bit out of sorts at the moment.