The street, location and traffic data is just not as good as Google's. I make maps for a living and Google's street data is the best in the industry. And no, I don't work for Google. You are going to find missing streets, get routed to the wrong side or wrong end of the street and not be able to find some addresses more often with the built-in nav. It does work, just don't expect it to be as good as Google at finding places. I have the nav but I still use Google Maps on my phone and just play the sound through the car audio system so I can hear it better.
One nice thing I found with the built-in nav was that if I'm driving in some place I'm not familiar with and I have the breadcrumb dots turned on, I can follow the dots to get back to the freeway or wherever. Pretty handy actually.
One nice thing I found with the built-in nav was that if I'm driving in some place I'm not familiar with and I have the breadcrumb dots turned on, I can follow the dots to get back to the freeway or wherever. Pretty handy actually.