On the contrary, I'm not slagging off anyone.
The "competitor" used to be the US distributor for Quaife (well known fact)
Quaife ditched the project, and the "competitor" decided to then ditch "Quaife" and release their own "Made in USA" LSD (well known fact). Infact, if it wasn't for us, the "competitor" wouldn't even have a working LSD as we helped them fix their design flaw (not a well known fact). Of course, the "competitor" won't admit this as they at the time did not even know we were their competitor; they just knew of us as North America's largest Honda transmission specialist and needed our help.
Quaife (in the UK) designed/developed the "locking" mechanism (not a well known fact). This was directly from one of their lead engineer's mouth. You may be able confirm this directly with Quaife if you talk to them at the NEC Autosport Show, but whether they will directly tell a member of the public or not (rather than an engineer in the industry like myself), I'm not sure. The "competitor" definitely won't admit it though.
As for business etiquette, here's what your favourite company did to us with the VAG crowd (which is their speciality market):
- We setup a pre-order for an LSD + Final Drive (hypoid ring & pinion)
- The "competitor" decided to offer our customers their LSD as well, but without the Final Drive, saying there was no way we could make it (despite the fact that we already make ring & pinions for multiple RWD cars for years) and that machining work was the only possible way (which was absolute BS. We had already finished all the R&D work and all that was left to do was to actually make the parts)
- Being either patriotic and/or gullible like yourself, most of the customers decided to drop out of our pre-order and go for the "competitors" offering instead. We had to refund over 30 customer' deposits because of the "competitor"
- Months later, the "competitor" decided it was impossible for them to do. Being the great business that they are though, they decided to keep all the deposits that they took from the customers as "payment" for their R&D i.e They screwed over all the customers
- A lot of the customers then started pleading for us to help them, but by that time, we had zero interest in the VAG crowd anymore and have denied any helping them with any new projects over the past few years
The moral of the story? It's not just about making money; we make more profit doing our oem projects than we do with these limited aftermarket parts. I am the sole reason why our parent company makes aftermarket parts and we do so because of my "interest" in the street performance market. If you don't show me respect (like what the VAG crowd done when they ditched us), then why should I help you in future?
Take what you can from that