Finally made the drive back from VA to AZ, totaling 4,987 miles in 15 days. The car performed almost flawlessly(aside from cutting a tire, not the car's fault) and averaged 35mpg at speeds between 70-80mph.
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Some things that I've realized need to be corrected on the car ASAP:
-The stock headlights suck and I need to just order the Hella Euro Headlights.

-The stock horn sucks and needs an upgrade, which will likely be Hella too.
-The stock radiator is insufficient for Arizona now that we are seeing 100*+ days here in Prescott.
On the way home, there is a 7% Grade 8 Mile long pass on I-17 South that climbs out of the Verde Valley of Camp Verde, AZ. The ambient temp while climbing the pass was 101*. By the time I began to crest the pass, the coolant temp hit 225* without the AC on at 70mph in 5th Gear. Needless to say, I ordered a Mountune Triple Pass Radiator as soon as I got home!
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Also, some goodies for the car came in while I was out of town:
Picked up a set of Rear Camber Plates from
@Dpro. I'm gonna prime and paint them prior to installation to avoid rust!
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Also my Boosted Designs Red Back Lit Dead Pedal came in!
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Since the car performed so well during the road trip, I decided to reward it with a fresh engine oil and gearbox oil change since I just turned 16,400 miles!
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It's also getting a full detail inside and out tomorrow to reset it back to fresh status.