Revolts work better when the Atlantic Ocean separates one from their controlling power... not to mention there were other factions, such as the French, Spain, Netherlands, involved in the war for independence. Study our history on immigration waves. Some folks may be surprised that this is actually nothing new. Our problems with crime, the economy, employment, are not a result of, or exasperated by, immigration. Immigration has become a scapegoat and folks are being bamboozled, hoodwinked, scammed and used. If people want to know what drives his agenda, they only need to take a look at his Campaign Chief Executive Steve Bannon's propaganda website. Among other things, they've devoted a lot of time to hammering this home. "...............Could Put Whites Below 50 Percent of Population Sooner .............. the country’s population will have more minorities than whites for the first time around 2043 or 2044, a result of higher birth rates among Hispanics .................. according to the U.S. Census Bureau, minority babies now outnumber white babies in the United States. ................. Today about nine out of every ten new immigrants brought into the country on green cards come from non-Western countries in Latin America, ("sh!t hole") Africa, Asia or the Middle East. ................ 1965, according to Pew, the country was 84 percent white, 11 percent black, 4 percent Hispanic and less than 1 percent Asian ............................ Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama, have all pushed to accelerate this demographic transformation ............ number of Hispanics will be equal to the number of whites by July of this (2013) year–39% of Californians will be Hispanic and 39% will be white .............. Hispanics made up 12 percent of the electorate in 1998. In 2012, though, they represented 20% of the electorate. ........ By the end of the (2013) year, the number of Hispanics will outnumber whites. ................."
Our nation's strength, (besides the resourceful lands,) has been its flexibility to bend, to change, to morph, instead of break. The nation that we enjoy today, isn't what it was in 1812, or even 1965.