That's so weird. My car with windows up, at anything over 2500 rpm feels like someone is jack hammering your head. I love the way it sounds, but sometimes I can;t even hear it over the drone.
I know you PM'd me but I want to post in this thread so other people can read it. First off I'm 24, so I want a loud rally car exhaust because I'm immature and can live with it. I'll start with the install, I got the T409 and Cobb hangers, I used the MBRP hanger for the front most hanger (on the resonator) and the Cobb for the back 3. Since Installation I've adjusted the exhaust twice just to make sure its not rubbing anywhere, I have a minimum of a finger width clearance anywhere and I have sausage fingers. I will say all I've done is an airbox mod (read: drilled some holes) RMM, and a Stratified tune with the pops & crackles.
Driving drone; before the symposer delete I immediately regretted the exhaust, in fact on the first drive with it to go to return the exhaust cutter to AutoZone I bought the plug and installed it the next day. That helped tremendously because the symposer is loudest when the MBRP is loudest, and those two frequencies resonating together could give a headache that could drop a rhino.
My drone is fairly bad from, I'd say 2750-3250. When just cruising I either upshift or power through the drone band and most of the time its OK. The only time I've had unbearable drone is going uphill on the freeway going about 80, but I had other people in my car so the music wasn't very loud. At about 3250 I thought it was going to kill me, but my friends said it wasn't that bad, and I told them to be honest, but I still didn't like that drone. I've found that the drone is also really bad at the 2750-3250 RPM band when I'm anywhere from 0-25% throttle, at low speeds I can shift away from it or put my foot down to power out of it like I said. But at highway speeds with light throttle its really bad, I've found the drone is very reliant on throttle position.
With the windows down I don't notice much drone. That being said I listen to loud music and usually have the front two windows down, back two cracked and the sun roof cracked so before I can notice any drone the wind noise is louder. I can try and record some videos of it at some point this week, and I will to try and give a sense of my drone. I'm also going to put some sound deadining in the trunk and then I don't think I'll have much of a problem. I really don't think the drone is that bad and If I could drop it by 5-10 dB I doubt I'd even notice it. Once I sound dead the trunk I'll post a review of it, I think I'm going to try and do that in a week or two.
If you or anyone else has any more questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help.