Only asking about them, never said I would actually BUY them.
So, now I have to worry about what some douchenozzle on jalopnik
thinks about what I wear on my feet while driving on the street?!
WHEN did that POS site become the (self proclaimed) opinionated crown king of what is considered "cool" anyway?! LOL
Every actual driving/racing shoe I own, or even every one which is a racing
style shoe, is VERY understated (Oakley, Alpinestars, Sparco, Adidas).
They are ALL mostly black with white or black (or some silver) logos, as I would NEVER wear ANYTHING bright red, or bright blue like some of the Piloti product.
I will wear what lets me control this little beast the best I can, and effing hack 'automotive' journoholes (AND any/everyone who listens to/heeds what THEY
self declare as "cool", or 'stylish') can FUCK THE FUCK OFF!!
IF I ever tried to drive this thing in the size 13 Cons I would be wearing, I'd be hitting ALL THREE EFFING pedals AT ONCE!!
(I have a hard enough time driving in current model, trail running NBs, with those outward projecting 'traction ridge' spikes they put on all of their soles at the ball of the foot area, catching the brake when I press the accelerator sometimes.