It’s not a replica wheel. It’s a 40 year old wheel that was used extensively in motorsport. That wheel size is meant for Group N rally. The decals are just my idea. The OZ wheel is similar yes but most of those old wheels are bent or burnt. Hard to find these days.
I only meant that Compomotive came really close to the
look/aesthetics/design of that original OZ wheel used on the tarmac Escort Cosworth rally cars, and
did not mean to imply that they were necessarily attempting to copy that design per se.
Yes, they are a true motorsport wheel company, and I even had a set of their custom drilled PCD, MO5s on my '90 T-Bird SC (of all things! LOL).
Just like Revolution was the 'go-to' gravel wheel for all of the SCCA Pro Rally competitors piloting the myriad Mk2 GTIs way back in the day.