The car is fine, mine makes clunky noises when shifting inbetween gears. It's also because the noise dampening in the car is pretty much nonexistent(it's an econobox at heart after a all). As to the video of the noises coming from the transmission from that other guy on here, that's not normal at all it almost sounds like a spun bearing. It's also a sports car and there are going to be clunks, rattles, and every other little headache of owning one. If you sit there and listen to every noise your car makes and bring it in for those noises, you should've just bought a Camry instead lol. I came from a mazdaspeed 3 and the noises that thing and rattles it had were unreal. There's rattles in my trunk on my FiST and I just hit 25k for miles on it but I'm used to that stuff. When I first bought my mazda(first high performance car) I gave myself migraines bringing it back and forth to 6 dealers figuring out where every little rattle and squeak came from, it's not worth it, one of the perks of owning a bare bones sports car. I love the fact that my fist makes those little noises to let me know I'm in gear and the little rattles are fun with the stiffer motor mounts I installed too along with a stage 2 kit from Cobb. Car is fine, every one of them is going to shift/ride/turn/squeak/clunk differently because they are not exactly the same. As long as it's running fine, boost is coming on strong, clutch feels good, engine sounds good, you're fine. The little rattles are a bonus and I've grown to enjoy them lol