So it's been 3 years since I've removed my antenna as I got the roof wrapped, but recently I have been wanting to reinstall my antenna. My 2 issues I have problems with that I don't remember:
1. There seems to be a washer that I no longer have along with the bolt. Was that keeping the antenna from flying off or was it the cable connection or both?
2. Since removing my antenna I have removed the rear lamp on the headliner and have fished around finding the connecting port for the connection. Is it possible it has moved all the way to the front or where does it connect?
I would very much appreciate the help.
I have attached a picture from Google and have circle the parts/pieces I am in question about. Thank you!
1. There seems to be a washer that I no longer have along with the bolt. Was that keeping the antenna from flying off or was it the cable connection or both?
2. Since removing my antenna I have removed the rear lamp on the headliner and have fished around finding the connecting port for the connection. Is it possible it has moved all the way to the front or where does it connect?
I would very much appreciate the help.
I have attached a picture from Google and have circle the parts/pieces I am in question about. Thank you!