I was just bringing up the certification for those who are worried about Ford turning down a transaxle warranty due to totally un-certified fluid being in there, 100x better than factory or not.
You can bet your life that Ford will do EVERYTHING in their power (as will
ALL manufacturers) to deny handing you a $5500.00 assembly, or a $3500.00 rebuild if they can, up to and including doing even trace oil analysis of whatever fluid they find in the defective unit, and then of course have an easy time 'proving' (to satisfy the Magnuson Moss Act in THEIR favor) it 'caused' the failure due to being
out of spec.
I was on bitog for almost 10 years, so yes, I know ALL about Gear 300, and it's phenomenal, shear-proof, POE base stock, and GREAT, crazy sky high viscosity index, the very reasons it's in my gearbox as we speak.
I also heard, and took to heart, big 'head honcho' tribologist on that site, MolaKule's
stern 'edict' that an ATF, or even an ATF-like fluid such as a DCT, has
NO PLACE in a manual gearbox
whatsoever, EVER.
(WHY I want to go to an MTF, yes, even one which is HALF the viscosity of the Gear 300.)
I even used the Gear 300 non-limited slip in my limited slip equipped Z28's rear axle, and added the Motorcraft XL-3 friction modifier since this high VI version of Gear 300 we use does not have that already in it.
And YES, it IS great shifting once fully warm in my climate, but I DO worry about the above since this is my ONLY car, and I absolutely
CANNOT AFFORD to replace a transaxle on MY dime!
The Ravenol MTF-2 is
NO 'slouch' fluid either, with a stout PAO/POE base stock, and the proper friction modifiers to ensure great syncro/blocker ring engagement, and is STILL MUCH MORE shear proof (BOTH mechanical AND heat caused) than
any of the DCT fluids out there.
I also will NOT have to ever even
think about changing this fluid out for even the most FRIGID, steadily below 10*F winter there could
ever be around here, due to clunky, or 'balky' shifting.