Besides the wastegate, I'm all over a J-line intercooler. I can't afford anything else (like one that bolts on) and I won't buy a different one even if I could ( unless Panda builds one that's similar price/size and bolts on, which they may ).
True be told... Its got all the power I need/want. It has to have that wastegate ($50), but besides that, it drive awesome, it hooks at any speed in 2nd gear on the street ( like dead hooks), and now at 100mph, it doesn't just stare at me and wiggle, it just keeps moving to 115-120mph.
I also have a ton to learn with the ATR. So that will keep me busy. I have boomba shifting bushings that need installed and reviewed.
Ohhhhhh, and I will have my new inlet to the turbo to install very soon, so I'm excited about that
But though things come as money allows

and I'm really happy with the car's power per weight now. I will def be at the track after I do something about that dang motor mount.
Wish i could find a stock/stock-ish focus ST to race from a 2nd gear roll

I think it would be a really nice video, lol.