I did not know it was a CRIME on here to try and gain knowledge about something, just because I do not plan on using it at all.
WHY does everyone think that because one either goes to, or is even thinking about a hybrid/BT kit in the future (which I AM considering, IF I have the funds), one MUST use WMI, or even aux fueling because they just CANNOT be satisfied with whatever power level they can get out of a SAFE 93 tune, or an E30/40 blend tune (IF they can get that easily enough)?
Sour Skittles; I NEVER ONCE even thought about knocking your products/setups, and the same goes for DHM as well, and as far as I know, neither of you actually produce/market your OWN WMI kits, although I know you sell/tune other companies' products (Snow/AEM/whatever), correct?
This thread was also not started by you, so PLEASE do NOT lump me in with Masonsturbos/etc. on your list of disserz.
Your setup (whatever it may be if and when I decide to move from the factory snail) is the FIRST one I would consider for a hybrid, and I also never once said that WMI was no good, not necessary, or anything less than great and perfect for OTHERS (it may be the ONLY route possible for some/many).
I'll tell you what, I PROMISE to stay out of threads about mods/products I don't plan on getting within the next month or sooner, from now on, since it bothers so many on here. (On other sites I've been on one gets critiqued for LURKING, here we get blasted for participating, unless we are buying, or have already bought, the WHOLE store.
![Frown [:(] [:(]](/images/smilies/frown.png)
Will that make everyone happy again?