So to start off my two week long vacation started Friday right after work, me and the wife took the kids out and had a grand weekend. Now Monday me and the wife had set up a little bit of a 4 day me and her time, so we headed to look out mountain! Now most of the way through South Carolina it's fairly flat and bland... Then we hit north Carolina. That's where the real fun started. The GPS ( mine is always set to avoid highways) took us up via the scenic byway, so from there we were in the mountains. In Tennessee we ended up catching a 911 3 super sweet looking. Once we got closer to where we need to be we got into the really fun tight roads unfortunately we kept getting stuck behind moving vans and people whom don't know how to drive. Now that we are here I've got a few pics on my phone but most of them are on my camera but I will post those up too.
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