I used to fret over whether or not something was American made, especially a bigger purchase like a car. I don’t anymore and it’s because of a supply chain class I sat in on.
Essentially the professor summated that America can’t be a production based economy unless we as a people are willing to sacrifice our quality of life. Additionally, the limited production infrastructure that do we have cannot support the production demands of large scale corporations like Ford unless they are specifically invested in by the corporation to be able to scale. Which is a long way of say that it’s basically wasting money.
America had production jobs in the 50s, 60s, and 70s because Europe and Asia were war zones and/or under reconstruction during this time frame. The world is a different and more peaceful place now, so barring a massive and destructive war, a la world war 2, it isn’t economically feasible for any company to make something in america using a majority of “American made parts”
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