Its not a direct bolt in. It requires.... Screams and ducks, WORK !! There are like 6 intercoolers on ebay that would more than met about 80% fiesta owners needs forever. The focus guys are using a $278 one that has an output temp of like 5 degrees above outside temps !! With other motor requiring less "intercoolering" so to speak, its an even better cooler for us.
Point is... There is two reason to spend $600+ on an intercooler. #1 your lazy. #2 your rich.
And 2J sells a DP for $250. That's $600 total after everything for downpipe and intercooler.
This is from a cobb tuned focus. Note the intake temps and intercooler outlet temps.
This is a $278 misutmo ( or some gay name ) intercooler.
Actually, the damn peak charge temp is LOWER than the air it sucked in !! Lmao. It does get any better than that guys.