Do you not remember when Shelby worked for Chrysler? He'd slap his name on anything.
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yes it‘s why I mentioned the GLH as long they paid he would do it I know.

It still did not ring true

I guess in his later years he gave up caring after Ford pretty much damn near shafted his ass on the GT40.
Really Ford played bad pool as much as they felt Ferrari did. Ford did not understand Ferrari and they guys in the upper echelon of Ford did not know what the word honor meant even if it slapped them in the face.
I also think he might have done it as F’ you to Ford for their past shenanigans with him.
It was kinda like oh Ford you gonna post my name even on Mustang II’s calling them Mustang Cobra II’s lol . I will join Lee over at Chrysler and put my name on the products he is selling. After all he was the father of the Mustang.
Ya Ford has fucked up many times in modern car history. They have a habit of making their point then taking their toys and going home. Not to be seen again till one more time they dangle it everyones face and go see we can still do it.
Fucked up way to run a car company if you ask me.