Selling my wheels. They fit perfect on this car (mine lowered 3/4" and no rub). Wheels and tires have about 15k on them. Part number for rims is MR11688003745. If you look closely at the LR wheel, there is a small dent in the lip. It's been there since they were almost new, I had it sanded smooth and touched up. Besides that and a few very minor rock chips (may or may not even be able to see in pictures), they're in great shape. Tires have plenty of tread on them. They ride great. I drive this car over 100 miles a day. There are no TPMS sensors in them. Located in Austin, TX. $600 plus shipping. (512)-659-24NineSeven
<iframe class='imgur-album' width='100%' height='550' frameborder='0' src=''></iframe>
Edit: I guess I don't know how to embed an album. Pictures:
<iframe class='imgur-album' width='100%' height='550' frameborder='0' src=''></iframe>
Edit: I guess I don't know how to embed an album. Pictures: