I drove mine (Recaros) from SW Washington to Illinois. It was no problem to drive from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm .. or even longer, for days. it's a real hoot to get out into the 80 mph speed limit area of the country and do 90 mph ALL DAY and not be worried about tickets. I DO use a V1 radar detector it should be said. .. Also nice to get out there and get 93 octane gas... ..
OH YEAH, for Android phones get the APP, iEXIT. ... This will tell you all the services at every exit on the interstates. You can plan ahead to find good gas, food, lodging as you go or ahead of time. Fabulous app for road trips. .. You know your fuel capacity and mpg so you can make sure you don't get stuck with bad fuel..... I was in one town where I had just assumed i could go to the station in the middle of town (small town Nebraska). The BEST gas they had was 89.! .. Maybe the town was Tractorville? ... Diesel, 85 and 89. ...
The app will show you food and motels too. ..including addresses so you can use you GPS to get exactly where you want to go for stops along the way..... Everything at every exit, including rest areas...