The RMM was just an Example. although I've been kicking around the idea of what RMM i want, pay around 200$ to get Cobbs to my place or just order bushings.
No unlimited funds from this user.
The problem is that when manufacturers keep us in the loop but can't maintain timelines, people get mad/frustrated. It doesn't sit well with people and makes manufacturers/vendors look bad. There's a vendor on a site I'm an admin for that has been claiming he would produce a part for two years now...The faithfully-waiting have no part and the rest realize he's lost his credibility.
sorry I am quite sarcastic at times

. sorry Sekred, I will keep my end to a minimum.
I see about 7-10 deg over ambient with the Injen after the fmic. I really don't need or care to know what the intake temp @ the intake is. Does it get hot when I sit in traffic in the summer? yep it def spikes. Will a better fmic help that? Yep it will. The FMIC has been shown to be the weak link, not the intake. as I have said before, for $213 Shipped from eBay, I got wonderful turbo swooshy noises, and it still pulls great.
bottom line: is a sealed box with a cone in it the best route? YES. do we have any options with a realistic price out there for that setup? NO. is an open cone filter intake fun? YES.
I've seen a 5 degree temp increase while in motion by simply cutting the hole in my OEM box as recommended by some, and that doesn't even include the drastic spikes that happen while stopped at lights. Couple that to the 4-8? over ambient temps I was seeing with the OEM box and air feed. While I have a plan to fix that, I find it difficult to believe that a completely open element is supposedly providing lower temps.
Either way, hotter air is less dense and because of that it will actually stress the entire system and not just the already-weak IC. The turbo has to work harder, the IC has to work harder, and the tune has to work harder to compensate. Maybe most daily-drivers won't notice much of a difference and maybe it's worth the cost-savings and added noise/visual appeal, but those that are pro-performance should really be looking elsewhere.
Granted, I'm not the kind of person who really cares what others do to their cars. I'm surprised the pro-performance crew hasn't been bashing this intake given the amount of hate they've previously extended in vendor threads for BOV adapters and wheel threads for people willing to buy wheels that weigh more than 17#. I suppose that's a good sign that those members are less-worried with how people are modifying their cars.
Honestly-an intake comparison would be nice to see, but the last few Injen 'tuned' intakes I've seen far-underperformed competitors though. Obviously those comparisons are moot for this platform, but outside of possibly throttle response and noise/looks I doubt we will sees gains by replacing an intake on an otherwise stock FiST. Otoh, I will say that just cutting the hole in my box improved my filter pressure, so the Injen may offer some relief in that aspect.
You are definitely right in the fact that its tough to say another intake is better if it doesn't actually exist for the consumers though.