Many have questioned the inlets need or lack of need for a larger inlet. I say... If your increasing from 2.5" to 3", why would you not want to increase from the turbo to the intake from 1.3" to 2.5" faster, nevermind the fact its on a 90 degree bend as well.
I understand velocity is important as well, but if air speed was everything, we wouldn't be going from a 2.5" intake to a 3" intake.
Restriction is real. Bigger = more flow. Shape means a lot too. Who's right? I have no idea. But I'm not sticking a bottle neck right in the middle of the system and hoping for the best...
Why is the turbo outlet 3 1/3" and the cat outlet is 2.27" ? Must be for "velocity", so why would we change it? Hopefully we can find some 3/4 exhaust tips to REALLY speed the air up and make more power, lol.
Back on topic

sorry. Prob the wrong time and place
I do think this is going to be the best all around intake. I can't wait to hear what everyone says about it.
Crazy that the lower box isn't a restriction though, it only has the small little duct on the front to feed it air. But if cobb say's its good, then.. I'm on board.