I am curious if anybody owns or has played with Dragy. Seen here: https://smile.amazon.com/dragy-10Hz...dchild=1&keywords=dragy&qid=1587516756&sr=8-2
I just bought one with the intention of doing some 60-130MPH and 100-200KPH "datalogging" to sort of verify my virtual dyno numbers on my turbo setup. And also helps compares and sort of virtually "race" other cars.
Curious if anyone has any data or comments to share about the platform. The Dragy Leaderboards and Facebook discussion groups seem like a pretty cool way to compare setups and I feel like the 100-200KPH logs take a lot of the FWD slippage out of the equation that make FWD cars sort of suck for 0-60MPH and 1/4 Mile Times (unless on a prepped suface).
I just bought one with the intention of doing some 60-130MPH and 100-200KPH "datalogging" to sort of verify my virtual dyno numbers on my turbo setup. And also helps compares and sort of virtually "race" other cars.
Curious if anyone has any data or comments to share about the platform. The Dragy Leaderboards and Facebook discussion groups seem like a pretty cool way to compare setups and I feel like the 100-200KPH logs take a lot of the FWD slippage out of the equation that make FWD cars sort of suck for 0-60MPH and 1/4 Mile Times (unless on a prepped suface).