None of them. The stock intake is quite good. Even the ST200 when I was looking at other people's data showed an increase in intake temps over the stock airbox. This could have been due to some other issue such as improper secondary hose routing, but seriously the stock air box is quite good at getting cool air into the engine.
On top of that, most aftermarket "cold" air intakes require the installation of an oiled gauze type filter element. Testing has shown these to allow quite a bit of dirt through. Personally, I'm about keeping as much crud out as possible. Paper element filters when properly sized flow more than enough air even in a forced induction setup and give you far better filtration than oiled gauze. And they're not expensive so the reusability of the oiled gauze elements shouldn't even factor in.
Here's ISO testing data on oiled gauze elements, namely K&N, but for the most part all the oiled gauze and oiled foam filters do about the same.