That looks awesome! My only concern, having both the DHM parts and the Bravo Alpha now, is with how close the BA IC sits relative to the radiator. From using both I can say that the BA IC with stock crashbar is very tight against the plastic radiator brace. It’s so tight it actually pushes against it, which drives up coolant temps compared to the DHM. This is with the Mountune radiator BTW, not stock.
I’m curious to know if this set up you have gives a little more space between the IC and radiator. I’m thinking of having my cracked DHM end tank rewelded and sell the BA for that reason, despite them both having similar intake temps. The DHM IC is awesome, but since it doesn’t have cast end tanks, there is the danger of cracking like I experience if you have any hard parts touching. I was foolish and didn’t allow enough space between my hard IC piping and the end tank couplers. Constant contact during bumps and engine vibration likely caused my cold side end tank to crack.
There’s obviously no such danger of this happening with the BA IC. Still, coolant temps were much better with the DHM IC installed due to the increased gap between the IC and radiator.